Sunday, February 1, 2009

Peace Apron

by Lolli Jacobsen, Mendocino Textiles

This time Lolli collaborated with local artist Shizuko, to create a stunner! I love this black work apron, which is well-constructed and features handy front pockets, much appreciated by artist-types. The beautiful image seems to both whisper and shout its message: PEACE!!!

Although I almost hate to get it dirty, I couldn't wait to get this picture taken, so I could do just that thing...visualize me in my studio, splashing dye and paint around, inspired by Lolli's cool apron. If you just have to have one too, "e" me or leave a comment, and I can arrange for that to happen!


  1. That's pretty cool. It would look even cooler in my kitchen covered with cake mix and powdered sugar. Mmmmm caaaake...

  2. Jupiter Girl, we should figure out how to link to your blog, so folks can check out the cakes...
