Monday, January 19, 2009


Why SweetPeace? Well, one of my monikers is SweetPea...and since I came of age in the 60s, when love and peace seemed attainable goals, flashing the peace sign has been my thing for over 40 years (no, Paris and Lindsey didn't invent it!), as every picture of me taken since 1967 will prove. The merger of SweetPea and Peace was a happy accident, a juxtaposition of words that created not only a nickname but a description of the hope and good vibes I would like to express in this world...thank you Lisa/Daisy, my sister-friend, for knowing my name.

Peace is going to be something I talk about personal search for it, and the need for it in our world and daily lives. This day, the day before our new president is sworn in, is Martin Luther King Day, and has been set aside for reflection on that wise man's words and deeds...I hope our world, and our view of it and our fellow travelers, reflects more peace in the coming days. I have hope, for the first time in a long time, that this may come true.

Ghandi once said "we have to be the change we want to see in the world." That's a worthy goal, one I think we should all pursue...and it can start here, today, right now, with a change of heart, or attitude, or underwear, whatever! But here's hoping that we can all get more peace in our lives and our world, and along the way I hope you enjoy getting a piece of my mind in 2009...Glad You Is!


  1. Yes, my dear friend. So nice to read your words, well-written. And of course, I agree with you. Glad You Is, too.

  2. Check you out ma! Getting all techie (not trekkie) on us. :) I think you've given me several pieces of your mind, would you like them back so you can post them? Hee Hee. Glad you is.
